My new home


So I’ve made the transition. Most of everything from the blogspot site has been moved over, only the comments were left behind. (Sorry. If I find out how to move them then they’ll come too!)

Why the change? Well I have my own domain, hosting, and lots more flexibility here than I have on blogspot. It’s a great service, don’t get me wrong but I can do a lot more with the blog now that I’ve moved.

So if I’m honest, I haven’t fully worked out exactly what that will be, but when I do work it out, it will happen!

Expect more updates on my first puzzle design soon, and I hope to be able to start sharing a few ideas for other puzzles that I’m working on. I’m spending time just now getting experience with the tools I have, and working with the woods I have to play with. It’s all new and exciting, and I have my sights set high. Lets just hope I can deliver!

Till next time, I hope you like the new location.


3 thoughts on “My new home

  1. Neil

    Great to see the move to the new location. Can’t wait to read the updates on the puzzle builds, and reviews of the puzzles you own.

  2. Kevin aka The Puzzler

    Great looking site Neil! Looking forward to your future posts.

    I have not had the courage to move to my own hosting. I have just bought the domain name and just assigned the C record to blogger. I looked at WordPress but it looked too hard and also looked at SquareSpace, but I really didn’t want to spend any more money – the puzzles have already cost a fortune without paying for hosting!!!

    1. thejuggler Post author

      Thanks Kevin. If you want to know more about the hosting, let me know. I’ve been working with hosts for a long time, and actually host multiple domains from the same host. I have my own personal site, and also I run the website for an astronomy club I am part of. WordPress and the the rest are no harder than blogger, as long as you don’t let it put you off.


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