A Humbling Experience

Many of you know me on a few of the forums around and about the puzzling community, and a fairly well known Puzzle Box maker, let’s go with Allard’s name for him and call him ‘Stick guy’ posted asking what I was up to. It’s no secret I’ve bought a bunch of tools, and even started to use them to create the building blocks of puzzles, but I’ve never really mentioned what I was planning.

Well I answered Stick Guy’s “challenge”, and put up a brief summary of what I had been doing and what I was doing. You’ll know if you’re a regular reader that I designed a puzzle which I call Lock Cube some time back. I even prototyped it in Lego, then had it printed at Shapeways. Well at some point I’ll be making it out of wood too. (At least that’s the plan)

So here’s where things get interesting, and when I get to the point of the title of the post. Seems like a few people out there are interested in owning a copy of my Lock Cube, when I make it.

Now at this point, many things go through my head, including a few that I can’t print…

“Are you serious?”
“You really want one?”
“People want to own a puzzle I designed?”
“Is my puzzle good enough?”
“What will people think of it?”

The bottom line is that I was truly humbled by the response from quite a few people asking if I’d make a copy for them. I never expected to make more than just the one for myself, so this was a shock for me, and really left me not quite sure what to say. Quite impressive really since I’ve written an entire post about it!

So to everyone that has already shouted ‘Me please’ for a copy of a puzzle that I’ve not yet made from wood – Thank you.

If you want a copy, let me know. I’m not promising anything at this point, but I’ll keep it in mind as I make those early copies.

One thought on “A Humbling Experience

  1. Chris

    I’m always looking out for new cool designs, particularly when it comes to puzzle boxes… so I’d love to get hold of one of your boxes! I hope you’ll keep us updated with progress on your puzzle making adventure 🙂


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