The Vault

Back at IPP 32 in DC, I had the pleasure of playing with a puzzle box from the incredibly talented Michail Toulouzas. I was fortunate, and opened the puzzle in a few minutes, so feeling quite smug, went to close the box to leave for the next puzzler only to find that the door wouldn’t shut. I realised at that point that I wanted one of these.

The Vault

The Vault

Returning back from IPP, I wrote to Mike, and kindly asked that if he made any more if he’s consider making one for me. I was pleasantly surprised when he wrote back telling me that in fact he was making some, and he’d added me to the list!

Around a year went by and in various conversations with Mike, he assured me (and a few other puzzlers) that he’d not forgotten about us, and was still working on the puzzles. IPP was coming round again, and he had puzzles to make for Japan, so he’d delayed ‘The Vault’ a little while he worked on those. Now just before I’m due to get married, I get an email from Mike saying the puzzle was finished and on its way to me! Arriving just a day or two before my big day, it was a great wedding present.

Front view of the Vault.

Front view of the Vault.

The puzzle itself is 8″ x 5″ x 4.3″ and is made from Ebony, Mahogany and Chakte Viga. Mike’s attention to detail is nothing short of breathtaking, and everything down to the rivets in the hinges is beautifully finished. It’s instantly recognisable as an old fashioned safe, and it feels as sturdy and solid as you’d expect and old time safe to be. Details such as the turned feet, and combination lock handle have been lovingly crafted to really make you feel like you’re cracking a safe as you open it.

There is one other piece to the puzzle and that takes the form of a torch. It’s sized perfectly to fit into one of those keyhole slots in the side of the puzzle, leaving your hands free to play with the knobs on the front, and able to peer into the inner workings thanks to the light provided.

Peering into the inside

Peering into the inside

After an initial inspection there’s only the two knobs on the front which will do anything, and you can see quickly from peering inside what they do. The handle on the right is attached to a brass rod which will hopefully open the door, and the tumbler on the right rotates something inside. Turning that knob will reveal something useful, but that alone isn’t enough to open the door. Something more is needed and it takes a little bit of experimentation to figure out how to control what’s happening on the inside from the knobs on the outside. That done, you’ll get a satisfying clunk, and the door will swing open.

That reveals a key inside the puzzle, as well as exposing the inner workings and Mike’s signature. Given that you didn’t need a key to open the puzzle, what possible use could you have for one now that it is open? The key is held on the back wall of the vault and can be lifted out of its slot and inspected. Seems fairly straight forward, but no use is apparent. Putting it back, you can try to shut the door, but soon find out it’s not going to be that easy. Resetting the puzzle is every bit as much of a puzzle as opening it was. And that’s a good thing!

Without giving too much away, that key is very useful, but as you’ll soon learn there’s no way you’re fast enough to close that door before whatever is keeping it from closing resets itself, and any other attempt would leave you with the key not back in its original spot, neatly stowed on the back wall. There’s another simple but well executed trick needed, and it’s going to take some thinking outside of the box to solve it.

Puzzle Certificate

Puzzle Certificate

As you saw from the first image of the puzzle, it comes with a hefty puzzle book, describing the puzzle, and of course the solution should you need it. The other item in that first picture is the small card which has been sealed with a wax crest. That’s the Puzzle Certificate, and is a beautiful touch that really finishes the whole experience. Hand written in Mike’s flowing cursive it’s a great little touch.

Overall I loved this puzzle, and I’m pretty happy to have one in my collection. With only 16 made, 4 in 2012 and 12 in 2013, with the last being a unique selection of woods, and was auctioned in Puzzle Paradise. There’s also one special edition which mike made, #10 which will have a special locking mechanism, and be sent to the James Dalgety Puzzle museum. So if you happen to be there, look this one up!

If you want to see more of this puzzle, have a look at my video review below.

4 thoughts on “The Vault

  1. Bernhard

    Hello Neil

    I was there in Greece as Mike finished the Vault and I can also confirm your words, sometimes I was laughing about the tricks he involved into his puzzles: I real was too late to order one or may be he forgot me, as one of his best collectors;

    BTW you can put my Website under your puzzlestores:

    happy puzzling


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